
SAPPI Ideas that Matter Grant Proposal


Ideas that Matter (ItM) is a program that empowers great ideas—changing lives, communities and, ultimately, the world. Ideas that Matter recognizes and supports designers who partner with organizations to bring great ideas to life. For more than 19 years, ItM has awarded $13 million in grants that have gone to assist more than 500 charities. My main roles for this project included designing and developing an interactive packet to be displayed inside the Gus Bus (a mobile literacy truck that partners alongside the Good Food Truck) as well as drafting a mockup for the truck redesign.

The packet includes a comic aimed at providing a valuable lesson about living a healthy lifestyle, a hands-on origami activity that features a new fruit or vegetable every month, a word search full of words related to healthy living, and a coloring page that allows kids to use their imaginations. The mockup was created using SketchUp, and features visual representatives of upgrades for the food truck such as improved storage space, newly designed informational signs that include multiple languages, and a new shelf layout that is aimed to provide a smoother refilling process.

Check out more : SAPPI Ideas that Matter Grant Proposal - Student Submssion || SAPPI Ideas that Matter Grant Proposal - Final Submission



Nick Elliott is an up-and-coming electronic dance music DJ, producer and song writer. Focusing his production skills on EDM with some pop and hip-hop crossover, Elliott draws heavy influences from some of the greats in the industry like, Skrillex, Afrojack, Calvin Harris, David Guetta, and Avicii.

During the summer of 2019, Nick's management team contacted me regarding Nick's website. At the time The team did not have a member dedicated to the creation of Nick's online presence. Throughout the remainder of the summer, I assisted in the development of a WordPress site along with creating graphics, identifying appropriate interactive widgets, and establishing a Mailchimp email campaign. For the purpose of this portfolio site, I have taken screenshots of the site after my duties were completed. However, feel free to check out the current site at NickElliott.com.

Check out more : Nick Elliott's Website

Quinnipiac University Landing Page


While exploring new job opportunities after graduation, I was presented with a design exercise as a chance for me to showcase my design skills to a potential employer. The task was to design a landing page for a hypothetical marketing campaign directed at sophomore and junior high school students. The purpose of the campaign would be to introduce Quinnipiac University to the student and build interest and engagement. Students would be contacted by email and driven to this landing page. The emails would express Quinnipiac’s interest and encourage the student to click through to claim an offer (two free tickets to a Quinnipiac Bobcats hockey game). The landing page would greet the student, ask the student to confirm some basic contact information, allow the student to download their tickets, and provide some interesting information about the school. In the design, I was directed to focus on creating a page that is straightforward and usable, but also engaging to the student. The page should be consistent with Quinnipiac’s brand, but shouldn’t be designed as simply another page on Quinnipiac’s website.

Check out more : Quinnipiac University Landing Page Mockups



James Madison University is located in the heart of the beautiful mountain city of Harrisonburg, VA. Due to Harrisonburg's diverse population of locals, students, and tourists, the city is able to boast about its modern, yet historic personality. One of the more significant aspects that the city enjoys promoting is eco-friendly behaviors such as recycling. With this in mind, RecycleMe!, has been developed as a mobile application in an attempt to aid residents of Harrisonburg and the surrounding areas with their recycling needs. RecycleMe! performs several tasks such as locating nearby recycling facilities, promoting creative recycling methods via weekly blogs, and encouraging community interaction through an enviro-friendly social media platform.

Check out more : https://s6443t.axshare.com



For the final project of my JMU career, I teamed up with another SMAD student and a group of CIS students to tackle a client-based project, Roommagnet.com. For this project we were required to develop an innovative digital platform that connects responsible college students seeking affordable housing with retirees and empty nesters who wish to monetize their extra living space. Roommagnet.com would be a trusted community marketplace (with both hosts and students screened before placement) providing for the listing, discovery, and rental of flexible, affordable co-living situations. This project proved to be extremely tricky at times because I had limited exposure to working with clients and no exposure to working with back-end programers.

My specific roles for this project included user research, website design and development, creating project presentation and documentation, and even presentating the project to the clients at every sprint. At the beginning of the project, I spent most of my time performing user research and competition analyses to gain an understanding of the current rental housing market. After that, I worked on developing visual concepts for the website itself by creating wireframes and mockups that I would later use as templates for creating a functioning website using Bootstrap 4 and jQuery framework. Throughout the development process, I held the responsibility of designing packets and powerpoint templates tath were used at each sprint when we presented our project to our clients.

Check out more : Roommagnet Powerpoint Template || Roommagnet Mockups || Roommagnet Walkthrough Document || Roommagnet Site



UnboxxEd is a hypothetical e-business that was created as an online marketing and business management exercise. As an in-house web development team, our goal was to increase sales and web traffic for a company that was not relevant on the internet. One of our main tasks included developing a website and mobile application visitors could access on any device. Developing an online marketing campaign was necessary to attract visitors from outside sources. We would also deploy a team of analytics and data specialists who would be responsible for evaluating keywords and managing an SEO program. This information would be gathered by monitoring user's habits and actions.

My main roles for this project included web design considerations, user research, and implementing digital marketing content. I created three personas to portray the three main target audiences for UnboxxEd based off the information gathered from user research. I then created a set of wireframes for the site using data from a competition analysis along with the user research. The site is laid out in a way that will allow users to easily locate sale items and new items as well as some of the more popular items and packages. All three target audiences share a common trait in the fact that none of them want to spend a lot of time searching for products, so the main objective is to limit the amout of clicks needed to achieve the desired goal.

Check out more : UnboxxEd Style Guide || UnboxxEd Personas || UnboxxEd Site Wireframes || UnboxxEd E-Business Site

Celestia Lorei Portfolio Site


During the summer of 2019, with one semester remaining before graduation, I began searching for ways to expand my professional portfolio and progress my coding abilities. I coded this portfolio site for Celestia Lorei, with help from a template I downloaded from Mobirise Website Builder, to help her display her projects and achievements. However, due to the fact that she is not extremely comfortable with front-end code, it was decided that utilizing a site builder would be more practical so she can update the content more easily. I am currently working on transforming this code into a WordPress template so she can update and customize it herself. For the purpose of this portfolio site, I have chosen to include Celestia's site to provide a further and more in-depth example of my coding abilities.

Check out more : Celestia Lorei Portfolio Site

PYLR Logo Design


One of the more challenging projects I had at JMU was a logo design project that I completed for a visual communication class. For this assignment, I was required to create a logo for a group called PYLR; a hypothetical organization of coders who would devote their free time to expanding their knowledge of coding. One of my peers proposed the orgainzation to me one day, so I used this project to create a logo as well as personalized business cards and a personalized letterhead. Unfortunately, PYLR was never able to influence the tech world; however, I was able to develop my design skills while creating one of my favorite portfolio pieces.

Check out more : PYLR Logo System

Tristan Lorei Photography Invoice Template


I’m always on the lookout for new projects. I love helping my clients and friends grow their passions, and it gives me an opportunity to grow and try new things.

A close friend of mine is beginning his professional journey as a photojournalist. As photo editor at a local newspaper, he skillfully captures raw emotions in his photography in a really beautiful and subtle way. I was stoked to work with him to create a template for payment invoices to further establish his professional brand.

Check out more : Tristan Lorei Payment Invoice Template



To wrap up my second semester as a SMAD student, one of my assignments was directed towards showing off the HTML5 and CSS3 skills that had been obtained in one particular class; Hooked is a knock-off retail site that was developed for this reason. Guidelines of this assignment stated that we were responsible for creating a responsive retail website that would display four pages of content along with a makeshift privacy policy page, and scale to fit the dimensions of three different screen sizes. For my specific submission, I chose to do a mockup of a fishing tackle website by creating a home page that showcased featured sale items, a page specific to models of lures, a page dedicated to rods & reels, and a page where users could view all items on sale. All images have been borrowed from : tacklewarehouse.com and pexels.com.

Check out more : http://trumbojz.com/smad307/retail/
Username : trumbo
Password : smad307

Microsite Redesign - The Weather Channel


Corporate websites often struggle with the challenge of presenting visual messages to a wide variety of target audiences. These target audiences have a wide variety of preferences. The latest approach to meeting this challenge is to build separate "micro" web sites that serve as companions to the main corporate site, but specifically targeted to each demographic. For this project, I created wireframes and mock-up user interface designs of a micro site targeted to college students, and a report to accompany my designs. I based my mock-up on a well known existing web site that does not currently have micro sites.

Check out more : Microsite Redesign

Field Research Blog


For this assignment, each individual in the class was required to blog at least once a week regarding an article or media presentation related to that week's topic or topics. We applyied key concepts, terms or ideas learned in class to something found in a newspaper, magazine, book chapter, film, television/radio broadcast, podcast, or other online source. The blog is our space to explore, engage and connect the article or media presentation with the readings and materials shown in class. The requirements were to have each blog posting substantial enough for the reader to understand what the article/presentation is about, but was to be more than simply a summary of its content.

Check out more : SMAD 407 Blog